Insurance cover for all parts of life.

Ausure is a nationally trusted brand for professional general insurance services with more than 230 authorised representatives across more than 111 locations. Each office is owned and managed by a carefully selected qualified adviser who can provide personal and professional advice in your local area. Ausure has the strength to attract insurance company/agency agreements with competitive rates, and to negotiate terms that are advantageous to our clients.
We know our clients want their risks to be adequately and securely covered at a good price, so we develop strong working relationships with insurers that have healthy professional appetites. Our clients come from all over the country and across a great diversity of industries. From retail businesses and professional services firms to construction companies and commercial farms, we service them all with care.
We work hard to stay one step ahead of what each industry and business needs.
Every business is a little bit different, so it makes sense that their insurance needs are a little different too. Our team understands the subtlety of these differences and how to professionally present a risk to the insurance market. Being non-institutionally aligned (not owned by an insurance company or bank) allows us to uphold our philosophy of respecting our client’s interests and finances and also standing by the strategies we recommend.

Using a broker for your Personal insurance means that you have someone fighting as your ally at claim time.
We work for you, not the insurer.
We manage the entire claims process for you, so you can focus on getting back to work.

Find out more about how we can help you…

Unsure what you need?
Contact one of our experienced brokers today.

Jason, Managing Director of Ausure Townsville shares why listening to your insurance adviser pays off.


Visit our office, located:
29 Thuringowa Dr, Kirwan QLD 4817

Office Hours
Mon - Thurs | 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday | 8:00am - 3:00pm

Or speak with one of our Brokers
PH: 4772 3339
